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About US

Number1fan is a lifestyle and motivational brand that believes that everyone has the potential to be great and be Number1. We believe in peace and unity. We believe that no matter where you come from, you can be Number1 in everything that you do. Our aim is to spread positivity through our clothing and to motivate the youth of today to believe in God and their abilities to great. You can be whoever you want to be through hardwork, prayer, perseverance and  persistent effort.

We make clothing and other accessories for everyone. No matter who you are, or where you're from, we want you to be Number1. We believe the world would be a better place so we want to do our part by spreading positivity through our brand. 

We have amazing events coming soon in the USA, Europe, Ghana and other parts of the world soon .

Check out our social media to stay updated. 


"Be nothing but Number1 "